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‘Reset & Inspiration Break' Ireland

23 to 28 June 2024

During this second edition of the 'Reset & Inspiration Week in Ireland' we invite you to relax, enjoy yourself, be inspired and recharge your inner battery in 6 days including an arrival and departure day. A special experience especially for people with interest and attention for body and mind, while you are nourished by the beautiful Irish nature and the friendly and hospitable Irish culture.

Consciously exercise every day based on the Pilates method combined with other forms of movement and meditation exercises, in order to get in touch with your body and mind on a daily basis. This year there is also an open dance, music and singing evening where we celebrate the week together. In addition, you can enjoy group activities and visits to special places in County Kerry (Irish: Ciarraí), book a private session for a body-oriented treatment based on Biodynamic & Integrative therapy, a massage or choose your own moment of rest for yourself in the beautiful surroundings. 

We will meet in a beautiful and serene place, the Lios Dána Lodge on the Dingle Peninsula. A house on a hill by the sea, overlooking the famous Inch Beach, a popular spot for film and documentary makers.

Strengthen the connection between your body and your mind, and immerse yourself in the beautiful nature and culture of Ireland.

The central invitation during this week is to come from delay and silence into a deeper connection with yourself, with nature and with each other, in order to return home inspired and recharged. We will investigate further during the group and individual sessions. We look at whether a natural movement and expression can be initiated, which can cause a 'reset' of old patterns. By becoming aware of old and perhaps limited ways of moving, we can explore new ways that can help us experience more pleasure and vibrancy in our daily lives. We explore this discovery in a magically beautiful place. We create a real 'Memento', a memory that you will never forget and that you can live on for a long time.

CLOSING CEREMONY  takes place on the last evening. We are invited to dance, sing, move our bodies or simply be together and celebrate the time we spend on ourselves.

One of the guests from the 2023 edition wrote:

The morning and evening sessions with a fantastic view over Inch beach, with meditation, effortlessly transitioning into a movement session by Marjon van Grunsven and/or Loes Buenen made you slow down, stand still in time, feel, reset. This alternated with the inspiring excursions in this country with countless shades of green, a group of beautiful people and delicious food was the recipe for this week with a perfectly chosen name: Reset & Inspiration week Ireland!

This second edition of the 'Reset & Inspiration week in Ireland 2024' is supported in its preparation by Movement Methods Hub (MMH) | The Pilates Method in a broader perspective

Trainers, therapeuten & begeleiding: Marjon van Grunsven & Loes Buenen | Trainers, therapists & guidance: Marjon van Grunsven & Loes Buenen

Trainers, Therapists, Cook & Guidance: Marjon van Grunsven & Maartje Braun & Maja Beaujouan






Biography Marjon van Grunsven:

Marjon van Grunsven


Biography Maartje Braun:

Maartje Braun

Biography Maja Beaujouan:

Maja Beaujouan

Practical Information
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